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Best Good Luck Messages - Good Luck Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Estimated read time: 6 min

In this article, we have the best romantic, motivational and emotional good luck quotes for you.


Hey it is your exam time,

It is the time to prove your worth

It is the time to show the world

That you are the best in every test

So good luck from my side to you

It's the time to say all the very best

Do well my dear

Ring in the cheer!


Good luck is surely a cool word

Actually, I know that you do not need it

You are as smart in whatever you do

I just want to wish you the best

In whatever you do

Today is your day to prove your worth

So a super good luck to you

All the best to you!

Best Good Luck Messages - Good Luck Wishes, Messages and Quotes


When you study you need to keep your focus right

It should go out of the sight

Know what you're doing and reach your goal

Know that you are going alright

Just stay calm!

All the best for your exams!

Do well!


The clock is ticking and time is here

It is a wonderful time to prove

That you are number one in whatever you do

It is the time to show the world

What you are capable to do

So do take a chance and prove

That you are the best

Good luck to you,

Do well in your test!


Luck always favors those who try in life

So, you need to struggle and strive

To get the grades that you want

Then you can flaunt

Your good side of the life

All the best for your exams!

Do well and stay calm!


If your aim is high and your focus right

You will reach the top grade

You need to be positive and you need to be calm

You will get through this time for sure

All the best for exams my dear!


Exam is the test of your ability,

But it is also the test of your patience

Your calm attitude and well your positive aspect of life

Don't lose the above three things in stress!

All the best for your exams!

Do well!


Don't think about the negative side

Don't think about the fear of losing

Give your best shot because you can

You can also win

Just focus right and you will get the grades you want

All the best for your exams!


Exams are surely a stressful time

But if you aware and well versed

And you study well

There is no need to stress at all

So, all the best for your exams

Do well dear!


It is the time to stress

It is the time to think hard

It is the time to be serious

And forget about the fun part

But, the time will come for cheer

When you will excel through my dear

All the best for your exams!

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Fight your inner nervous being

And reach your destined goal

You know you can do it from within

You know your perfect role

so study hard and reach the sky

You will fly high!

All the best for exams!


By getting good grades in life,

You will secure your future and your way

Just study for this day

And you will have your say

Forever in life

Study hard and keep your focus!

All the best for your exams!


Do you know that luck is very important to excel in life

But do you know that hard work plays an equal role

You need to work hard

To reach your goal

So study hard

All the very best for your exams!


You have the power to go where you want

You have the power to stay

So, don't lose your focus on life

Whenever the situation is dismay

Go ahead and strive hard

All the very best to you!


It's just for some time

And only for some days

You have to work hard

And then prove your ways

As you have the power to go ahead in life

Wish you all the very best!


Determination and hard work may help you as well

But you have to keep your focus high

Then only you will reach the sky

And do your best in things you can

So, give your best shot!

All the best for your exams!


Exams are just an open opportunity to prove your best

You need to show everyone that you are better then the rest

So pull up your socks and show what you are

You will also shine like the star!

All the best to you!


If you work hard you may achieve your goal

This is the most important phase

You have the most important role

In life so give your best shot

All the best to you!


There might be stress

You may be in distress

But, keep your hopes alive

And you would excel through,

So do your best you can

All the best


Luck is when opportunity knocks and you answer.

-Author Unknown


It's hard to detect good luck - it looks so much like something you've earned.

-Frank A. Clark


To refrain from evil and from strong drink and to be always, steadfast in virtue; this is the good luck.


Best Friendship Quotes to Celebrate Your Bestie | Friendship Massage and Texts - Friendship Text Messages.


Those who have succeeded at anything and don't mention luck are kidding themselves.

-Larry King


For each petal on the shamrock this brings a wish your way. Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.

- Irish Blessings


Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered.

-William Shakespeare


Being generous, just helping one's relatives and being blameless in one's actions; this is the best good luck.

- Buddha


May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light. May good luck pursue you each morning and night.

-Irish Blessings


Luck has a peculiar habit of favouring those who don't depend on it.

-Author Unknown


May good luck be your friend in whatever you do and may trouble be always a stranger to you.

- Irish Blessings


The only sure thing about luck is that it will change.

-Wilson Mizner


Luck never gives; it only lends.

-Swedish Proverb


Good luck to you

May good fortune be with you forever,

May you get everything that you desire,

May you never see the ground,

And only reach higher and higher,

Good luck and good wishes to you!


Success to you

Success does not come easy my friend,

There is lot of hard work,

And nothing to pretend,

If you have done the task,

Then you have all the reason to bask,

Good luck on your endeavours!


A wish for you

I just wish and pray,

That good luck follows you every way,

May you get what you truly deserve in life,

May you never have to strive,

My good wishes are with you,

Good luck to you!


Good Luck

Life is filled with ups and downs,

But I pray you stick to your grounds.

Never let hope give away,

Or fears make your life fray.

Good luck for good times ahead,

And let happiness in your life spread.


Have a Great Life

When you really want something,

You ought to swim distances.

Don't give up coz something's not come easy,

Life is often not so breezy.

But hope and commitment will show you the way,

And my good luck wishes are with you come what may.


Luck to Lead Life

Believe in yourself and proceed with life,

Stop thinking of it as a big strife.

I pray God to throw in a bit of good luck,

So the flowers of success you can pluck.

May your dreams come true.

Remember you are the best one man crew.


Good Luck to You

May your life be filled with happiness and love,

May you be showered with the goodness from above.

May God bestow you with health and prosperity,

May fate give you a lot of clarity.

These are my prayers for you,

And I hope God makes them all true.

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Good Luck my Friend

We hope you flourish,

And get a life you cherish.

May success and prosperity come your way,

And life take lovely turns as you say.

Good Luck to you in every endeavor,

May you see the best ever!



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